中文名: 斯坦福大学开放课程 :iPhone开发教程2010年冬
英文名: Open Stanford Course : iPhone Application Programming(2010 winter)
资源格式: MP4
学校: 斯坦福大学
Stanford主讲人: Alan Cannistraro版本: 共20课更新完毕
发行日期: 2010年6月30日
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语
如果你对iPhone Development有兴趣,以下是入门门槛供参考:首先你要有一台Mac电脑(因为 iPhone App 使用 Mac 平台内建的 Xcode 开发工具),网上也有在Windows下搭设开发环境的教程,请大家自行GOOGLE一下,接著下载 iPhone SDK 安装,然后最基本的是你要熟悉C语言,再来你得学习开发iPhone所使用的Objective-C语言,接著是Cocoa。如果你是Mac平台开发的入门用户,你可能还需要学习使用 Xcode 这个开发环境,接著你需要掏钱向苹果注册开发者权限,基本的帐号是99美金。最后,即使我们可以用iPhone Simulator来执行开发出来的应用程式,但如果要真正确保你的App在实体设备上可以正确执行无误,也许你还必须去买一台iPhone 3G或iPod touch。最后将我们开发出来的App提交给苹果审核,通过之后就可以发佈在iTunes Store上面了XD!噢~我忘了说,你还得去Apple官方网站阅读一大堆英文Paper或者下载英文电子书来看(国内似乎很少看到 iPhone Development 这方面的书籍)。
1. Introduction to Mac OS X, Cocoa Touch, Objective-C and Tools (January 5, 2010)
2. Objective-C and Foundation Framework (January 7, 2010) 1:13:31
3. Custom Classes, Object Lifecycle, Autorelease, Objective-C Properties (January 12, 2010) 1:07:22Development (CS193P) - Winter 2010 Free
4. Building an Application; Model, View, Controller; Nib Files; Controls and Target-Action (January 14, 2010) 55:44
5. Views, Drawing, and Animation (January 19, 2010) 1:12:13
6. Designing iPhone Applications, Model-View-Controller, View Controllers (January 21, 2010) 49:53
7. Navigation & Tab Bar Controllers (January 26, 2010) 1:11:35
8. Scroll Views and Table Views (January 28, 2010) 1:13:18
9. Data in Your iPhone App (February 2, 2010) 1:15:47
10. Performance (February 4, 2010) 1:14:35
11. Text Input and Presenting Content Modally (February 9, 2010) 46:58
12. Web Views; Locations and Maps (February 11, 2010) 1:14:27
13. Address Book: Putting People in Your App (February 16, 2010) 1:03:04
14. Touch Events & Multi-touch (February 18, 2010) 55:56
15. iPhone Device APIs; Location, Accelerometer & Camera; Battery Life & Power Management (February 23, 2010) 1:13:31
16. Audio APIs, Video Playback, Settings (February 25, 2010) 1:11:01
17. Bonjour, NSStream, GameKit (March 2, 2010) 1:04:01
18. Unit Testing; Fun with Objective-C; Localization (March 4, 2010) 1:16:41
19. OpenGL ES Basics (March 9, 2010) 55:25
20. From Student to Startup: Lessons from a CS193P Alumnus (March 11, 2010) 50:49